Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apom Polka Dot

Ingredients: (makes 12 muffin size apom)
3 cold eggs
200 gm sugar (original recipe uses 220 gm sugar)
275 gm all purpose flour
150 ml evaporated milk (can use normal milk)
2 tsp baking powder (original recipe uses 3 tsp)
1 tsp condensed milk (original recipe uses ovalette)
coloring (Lazy cook uses red and green)
filing (Lazy cook uses strawberry jam)

1. Whisk the egg and the sugar, lazy cook uses only 200 gm sugar because she finds the original recipe too sweet.  Add the flour and milk, alternately.  Finally add the baking powder and condensed milk.  Continue to whisk, lazy cook uses a mixer, till a smooth mixture.
2.  Take 2 tbsp of the mixture and place them in a bowl, this is for the polka dot.  Add the coloring, lazy cook adds red to the big batch of mixture and green to the small batch. Can use other coloring, if no coloring is used the mixture would come out white in color.
3.  Line the muffin tray with muffin cups, then fill a tablespoon of red mixture into the muffin cups.  Add a teaspoon of strawberry jam.

Half filled apom with strawberry jam
4.  Fill the rest of the apom with the balance of the mixture.  Then using a piping bag with a very small hole, dot the apoms.  Let the apom stand for 30 minutes.  I did not let the apom stand in the muffin tray but in the mixing bowl, so my apoms, after steaming does not have a smooth top.

Ready for the steamer
5.  Steam the apom for 10 - 15 minutes.  Remove, cool and enjoy!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mom's Kalipok

Mom's kalipok
Coming from a big family, mom makes kalipok to supplement my dad's income.  A recipe that is handed down from my maternal grandmother who also makes kueh for a living. Growing up making kalipok, the ingredients are all agak agak, here it is!

100 gm onion, cubed
500 gm potatoes, cubed
200 ml coconut milk
800 ml water
3 tbsp oil
salt and pepper to taste

Curry Paste
2 tbsp ground shallot
1 tsp ground garlic
10 gm shrimp paste (belacan)
1 serai, ground
1/4 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp garam masala

 2 cups all purpose flour
 1/3 cup and 1 tbsp peanut oil
 1/3 cup water, add 1/2 tsp salt and mix

1.  Make the pastry by adding the oil into the flour, till it becomes like bread crumbs.  If you use other oil you may need to add a bit more oil. To check that there is enough oil, squeeze the pastry in your palm and if it does not crack, like in the picture, there is enough oil.
Pastry does not crack
2.  Add the salted water to combine.  Let the pastry rest while preparing the filling.
3.  In a wok, add 3 tbsp oil, then add the curry paste. Cook the curry paste for a few minutes, then add the cubed onion.  Cook till the onion is transparent then add the cubed potatoes.
Cubed potatoes and cubed onions
4.  Stir for a few minutes to combine, then add the coconut milk and water.  Add salt and pepper to taste then let it simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours till thickens. As it thickens, stir continuously so that the potatoes does not stick to the wok. Remove and let it cool.
5.  Once the filling has cooled, roll out the pastry.
Divide the pastry into 2
Rolled out pastry

Then fold into half, continue to roll out the pastry
After folding over 4 times to get a rectangular shape pastry
Pastry rolled up, set aside and roll out the second pastry
Once the 2nd pastry is rolled up, cut the first pastry evenly
Flatten the pastry and rolled it thinly
Pastry rolled out and ready to fill
All ready to be fried
6.  Fry till golden brown. The filling is enough for 2 batch of pastry.  Lazy cook makes a big batch and freezes the kalipok.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baked Chicken Wings

Baked Chicken Wings
One of the family favourite and easy to put together.

Ingredients :
1.5 kg chicken wings
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup soya sauce
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 cup honey
1 clove garlic minced
 salt and pepper to taste

1.  Marinade the chicken wings in olive oil, soya sauce, tomato ketchup, honey, garlic, salt and pepper for at least 4 hours or overnight.
2.  Line the baking dish with aluminium foil (easy to clean the baking dish after), place the wings in the baking dish, well spread out, then cover the baking dish with aluminium foil.
3.  Bake for 1 hour at 190°C.  Remove the aluminium foil the last 10 minutes of baking to brown the wings.
4.  Remove from oven and serve immediately.