Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cheesecake au potimarron et aux epices ( Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake)

Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake

I love cheesecake and in France with the wide choice of cheese, it's a kitchen adventure to try out those cheeses.  

Ingredients :
Biscuit Base
  150 gm bastogne/speculoos biscuit, crushed
  50 gm unsalted butter, softened
  50 gm chopped walnut
  50 gm brown sugar
  200 gm pumpkin puree
  250 gm ricotta 
  50 gm carre frais cheese
  3 eggs
  75 gm sugar
  1 tbsp corn flour
  1/3 tsp ginger powder
  1/3 tsp cinnamon powder
  1/3 tsp nutmeg powder

1.  Mix all the ingredients for the biscuits and put them in the cake mould.  Press them down to form the base for the cheesecake.  Leave them in the fridge while preparing for the cheesecake.
2.  First have to prepare the pumpkin puree as they are not available in tin form.
Pumpkin, all cut up
 3.  Cut the pumkin into small pieces, add a pinch of salt and some olive oil and bake them at 190°C for 30 minutes, stir the pumpkin every 10 minutes.  You can also steam them but I love the taste of roasted pumpkin.
Pumkin, all roasted
4.  Puree the roasted pumpkin, then add all the ingredients for the cheesecake in a bowl and mix them all up till a smooth mixture.  Place them on top of the biscuit base and bake at 160°C for 40-50 minutes till firm.  Leave in oven with door open to cool before removing.  Cool in the fridge overnight.

Spiced pumpkin cheesecake

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