Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sago Gula Karamel

Living in a tiny village in France, it is very difficult to find Asian Products in the Supermarket! I was so happy to find Sago in the Supermarket! Over here it is called either Perles d'Orient or Perles Japon, this is one of our family favourites when we were in Malaysia. Well, you guessed it, cannot find Gula Melaka, so we settled for Caramel and top it with Creme Anglaise!

Here is a simple and lazy but GOOD Sago recipe, use 20 gm per person or 2 tbsp per person. Place the sago in a pot and  top up with a lot of water, between 3 - 4 times the quantity of the sago. Let it boil about 20 minutes, stir constantly. When the sago is transparent, it is ready, remove the pot and pour the sago over a sieve, to seperate the water.  Place the sago in individual serving dish and chill for at least 4 hours.

I top mine with Caramel that I bought in the supermarket and a little Creme Anglaise that I bought it in the supermarket too, real lazy!
Sago Gula Karamel dan Krim Orang Puteh

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