Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Honeycomb cake (Kek Sarang Semut)

A soft spongy cake that is my favourite, got the recipe from House of Annie, I have tried a lot of recipes and this is the one that I like most!  In Malay, they call it Kek Sarang Semut or Kek Gula Hangus. 

210g sugar
240g water
80g butter
6 eggs
160g condensed milk
180g all-purpose flour
2½ tsp baking soda

1. In a saucepan over low heat, caramelize the sugar until it turns a dark golden brown.  Lazy cook is lousy at making caramelize sugar and this needs a lot of patience, have to melt the sugar totally.
2. Slowly and carefully pour the water into the caramel. CAUTION! The caramel is very hot and the water will quickly boil and steam. Stir until the caramel is dissolved in the water and it becomes a thin syrup. Remove from heat.
3. Melt the butter into the syrup and set the pan aside to cool.
4. Preheat oven to180°C.
5. In a bowl, whisk the egg till fluffy then add the condensed milk.
6. Sift the flour and baking soda together into the egg mixture. Mix well.
7. Pour the caramel butter sauce into the batter and mix well.
8. Pour the batter into a greased, 9-inch round cake pan. Let it sit for 5 minutes for the bubbles to begin developing. Lazy cook let the cake sits for at least 30 minutes, some blogger lets it sits for up to 4 hours.
9. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
10. When the cake is cool,turn it out onto a plate. Enjoy!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Nyonya Acar Fish

Nyonya acar hu

I love this dish a lot, normally in Penang, the fish used is belanak, over here in France, I have used sardine and mackerel.  Today, I use mackerel, and the recipe is from my penang nyonya cookbook.

Ingredients :
1 kg fish fillet or small, whole fish
2 tsp salt
1 cup oil for frying

30 gm (5cm) fresh tumeric root, sliced thinly
4 tbsp cooking oil
100 gm young ginger, sliced thinly
100 gm garlic, sliced thinly
30 gm (3) red chillies, seeded and quartered
30 gm (3) green chillies, seeded and quartered
250 ml vinegar
8-10 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt, or to taste

1 tbsp sesame seeds, roasted

1  Clean and gut fish and season with salt.  Deep fry the fish until golden.  Drain on paper towel and set aside.
2.  Fry the tumeric in 4 tbsp oil until the oil turns yellow.  Discard the tumeric.  Lazy cook does not have tumeric root, she omits this step.
3.  Using the tumeric oil, lazy cook adds 1/2 tsp tumeric powder into the oil, fry the ginger and garlic till golden brown.  Leave aside to cool before adding the red and green chillies, vinegar, sugar, salt to taste.
4.  Lastly, add the fried fish.  Serve garnished with ginger, garlic and sesame seeds.
Best served the next day as the flavours will develop overnight.  If not consumed immediately, keep it submerged in the vinegar solution in a clean glass jar,  it keeps well for about a week at room temperature and longer in the refrigerator.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kek Lapis Kukus Cream Cheese (Steamed Cream Cheese Layer Cake)

Steamed Cream Cheese Layer Cake
A steamed cake, a change from the usual baking! Tastes good and hubby just adores it! Got this recipe from kongsi recipe website.

Ingredients :
Cream Cheese Layer
250 gm cream cheese
60 gm castor sugar
1 egg
1 tbsp water/evaporated milk
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp all purpose flour

Method :
1. Whisk the cream cheese with the sugar till combined.
2. Add the egg, water or evaporated milk, lemon juice and flour. Whisk till combined.
3. Leave to rest while making the chocolate layer.

Chocolate Layer
2 eggs
1 cup castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
a pinch of salt
1/2 cup hot water/coffee
1/2 cup evaporated milk/fresh milk
1/2 cup corn oil/vegetable oil
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder

Method :
1.  Whisk the egg with the sugar in a separate bowl till pale and fluffy.
2.  Add vanilla essence and salt, continue to whisk.
3.  Add the hot water or coffee, milk and oil and continue to whisk.
4.  Sieve in the flour, baking soda, baking powder and cocoa powder, incorporate into the mixture.
5.  Separate in half and leave it to rest while preparing the steamer.
6.  Pour one half of the batter into a greased square 9" cake pan and steam for 15 minutes.
7.  After 15 minutes, pour the cream cheese layer into the cake pan and continue to steam for another 15 minutes.
8.  Lastly pour the other half of the chocolate layer and continue to steam for another 20 minutes.  The original recipe covers with aluminium foil before steaming the layers.  Lazy cook does not cover the cake pan while steaming, she only covers the cake pan with a cloth the last 10 minutes of steaming.
9.  Remove and let cool completely before cutting them. Enjoy! Yum yum!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apom Polka Dot

Ingredients: (makes 12 muffin size apom)
3 cold eggs
200 gm sugar (original recipe uses 220 gm sugar)
275 gm all purpose flour
150 ml evaporated milk (can use normal milk)
2 tsp baking powder (original recipe uses 3 tsp)
1 tsp condensed milk (original recipe uses ovalette)
coloring (Lazy cook uses red and green)
filing (Lazy cook uses strawberry jam)

1. Whisk the egg and the sugar, lazy cook uses only 200 gm sugar because she finds the original recipe too sweet.  Add the flour and milk, alternately.  Finally add the baking powder and condensed milk.  Continue to whisk, lazy cook uses a mixer, till a smooth mixture.
2.  Take 2 tbsp of the mixture and place them in a bowl, this is for the polka dot.  Add the coloring, lazy cook adds red to the big batch of mixture and green to the small batch. Can use other coloring, if no coloring is used the mixture would come out white in color.
3.  Line the muffin tray with muffin cups, then fill a tablespoon of red mixture into the muffin cups.  Add a teaspoon of strawberry jam.

Half filled apom with strawberry jam
4.  Fill the rest of the apom with the balance of the mixture.  Then using a piping bag with a very small hole, dot the apoms.  Let the apom stand for 30 minutes.  I did not let the apom stand in the muffin tray but in the mixing bowl, so my apoms, after steaming does not have a smooth top.

Ready for the steamer
5.  Steam the apom for 10 - 15 minutes.  Remove, cool and enjoy!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mom's Kalipok

Mom's kalipok
Coming from a big family, mom makes kalipok to supplement my dad's income.  A recipe that is handed down from my maternal grandmother who also makes kueh for a living. Growing up making kalipok, the ingredients are all agak agak, here it is!

100 gm onion, cubed
500 gm potatoes, cubed
200 ml coconut milk
800 ml water
3 tbsp oil
salt and pepper to taste

Curry Paste
2 tbsp ground shallot
1 tsp ground garlic
10 gm shrimp paste (belacan)
1 serai, ground
1/4 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp garam masala

 2 cups all purpose flour
 1/3 cup and 1 tbsp peanut oil
 1/3 cup water, add 1/2 tsp salt and mix

1.  Make the pastry by adding the oil into the flour, till it becomes like bread crumbs.  If you use other oil you may need to add a bit more oil. To check that there is enough oil, squeeze the pastry in your palm and if it does not crack, like in the picture, there is enough oil.
Pastry does not crack
2.  Add the salted water to combine.  Let the pastry rest while preparing the filling.
3.  In a wok, add 3 tbsp oil, then add the curry paste. Cook the curry paste for a few minutes, then add the cubed onion.  Cook till the onion is transparent then add the cubed potatoes.
Cubed potatoes and cubed onions
4.  Stir for a few minutes to combine, then add the coconut milk and water.  Add salt and pepper to taste then let it simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours till thickens. As it thickens, stir continuously so that the potatoes does not stick to the wok. Remove and let it cool.
5.  Once the filling has cooled, roll out the pastry.
Divide the pastry into 2
Rolled out pastry

Then fold into half, continue to roll out the pastry
After folding over 4 times to get a rectangular shape pastry
Pastry rolled up, set aside and roll out the second pastry
Once the 2nd pastry is rolled up, cut the first pastry evenly
Flatten the pastry and rolled it thinly
Pastry rolled out and ready to fill
All ready to be fried
6.  Fry till golden brown. The filling is enough for 2 batch of pastry.  Lazy cook makes a big batch and freezes the kalipok.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baked Chicken Wings

Baked Chicken Wings
One of the family favourite and easy to put together.

Ingredients :
1.5 kg chicken wings
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup soya sauce
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 cup honey
1 clove garlic minced
 salt and pepper to taste

1.  Marinade the chicken wings in olive oil, soya sauce, tomato ketchup, honey, garlic, salt and pepper for at least 4 hours or overnight.
2.  Line the baking dish with aluminium foil (easy to clean the baking dish after), place the wings in the baking dish, well spread out, then cover the baking dish with aluminium foil.
3.  Bake for 1 hour at 190°C.  Remove the aluminium foil the last 10 minutes of baking to brown the wings.
4.  Remove from oven and serve immediately.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Muffin Jambon-Fromage (Ham and Cheese Muffin)

Ham and Cheese Muffin
My daughter is a picky eater, and she loves the combination of ham and cheese, and she adores this ham and cheese muffin, recipe from Journal de Femme.

Ingredients for 6 muffins:
2 eggs
salt and pepper
100 gm all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 pot of natural yoghurt (125 gm)
3 tbsp oil
100 gm ham (in cubes or stripes)
75 gm grated emmental cheese

1.  Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2.  Whisk the egg until it becomes like omelette. Add salt and pepper, not too much because the ham and cheese is already salty. Then add the flour, baking powder, yoghurt and oil, whisk to combine.
3.  Add the ham and cheese, mix well.
4.  Fill the muffin mould up to 2/3 full ( butter the muffin mould, if using the silicone muffin mould no need to butter).  Bake for 20 minutes till it puffs up and brown.
It is possible to replace the ham with bacon and the emmental cheese with parmesan cheese.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chu Chu Kueh (Kueh Bingka)

Chu chu kueh

My mom use to plant tapioca in our garden and when she harvests the tapioca, she would take them to the shop to grind them to make this mouth watering chu chu kueh (kueh bingka or tapioca kueh).  I looked through a lot of recipes till I found the one that was how my mom does it in Kuali.com.


  • 1kg tapioca (cassava)
  • 200gm sugar
  • 400gm thick coconut milk
  • 50gm water
  • 3gm salt


    1.  Peel tapioca, split and remove the fibrous core in the middle (do remember to remove as it will cause bitterness in your kuih). Finely grate the tapioca. Squeeze off the juice from the grated tapioca as it will cause the texture to be slightly dense and wet. Combine grated tapioca, sugar, coconut milk, water and salt into a saucepan and cook over low heat until it thickens. Lazy cook buys frozen tapioca, ready peeled, then she cuts them into cubes and add coconut milk, water and places them in the blender.  The water added does not follow the above measurement, enough for the blender to work.  Then she places them in a saucepan with some salt, sugar, a few drops of yellow colouring and cook over low heat till thickens.
    Frozen tapioca
    Tapioca blended ready to cook over stove with blender at the side
    Cooked tapioca ready for the cake pan
    Cooked tapioca ready for the oven

    2.  Then pour into greased 8in square cake pan and bake in a preheated 200 degrees Celcius oven for about 40 -45 minutes until golden brown.  Lazy cook bake in 190°C oven for 40 minutes.

    Chu chu kueh
    3  Cool thoroughly before cutting into slices.

    Chu chu kueh ready to serve

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kueh Talam

Kueh Talam

I love kueh talam, and the recipe that I have uses green pea flour, searched high and low and still cannot find. Anyway, saw some blogs that uses green bean flour, so I made mine using green bean flour instead.

Green Layer
80 gm rice flour
40 gm tapioca flour
30 gm green pea flour/green bean flour
230 gm sugar
700 ml pandan juice (from 20 pandan leaves)
1 tsp alkaline water
White Layer
40 gm rice flour
30 gm green pea flour/green bean flour
1 tbsp tapioca flour
500 ml thick coconut milk (from 2 grated coconuts)
1/2 tsp salt

1.  Combine the ingredients for the bottom green layer in a saucepan and cook over a low flame until batter thickens slightly. I use a tsp of pandan flavour and add some green colouring.
Green layer in greased tray
2.  Pour into a 20 cm(8") square, greased tray and steam for 10-20 minutes.  Open steamer every 5 minutes.

Cooked green layer  before putting the santan layer
3.  While steaming the bottom layer, cook the top layer.  Combine all the ingredients for the white layer in a saucepan and cook over the lowest flame until mixture slightly thickens slightly, stirring all the while. I use a can of 400 ml coconut milk and add 100 ml water.
4.  Pour the batter for the white layer over the green layer and steam covered for 20 minutes, open the steamer lid every 5 minutes.
White layer over cooked green layer ready for steamer
5.  Cool for 3-4 hours before cutting into diamond shapes.

Kueh talam

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cheesecake au potimarron et aux epices ( Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake)

Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake

I love cheesecake and in France with the wide choice of cheese, it's a kitchen adventure to try out those cheeses.  

Ingredients :
Biscuit Base
  150 gm bastogne/speculoos biscuit, crushed
  50 gm unsalted butter, softened
  50 gm chopped walnut
  50 gm brown sugar
  200 gm pumpkin puree
  250 gm ricotta 
  50 gm carre frais cheese
  3 eggs
  75 gm sugar
  1 tbsp corn flour
  1/3 tsp ginger powder
  1/3 tsp cinnamon powder
  1/3 tsp nutmeg powder

1.  Mix all the ingredients for the biscuits and put them in the cake mould.  Press them down to form the base for the cheesecake.  Leave them in the fridge while preparing for the cheesecake.
2.  First have to prepare the pumpkin puree as they are not available in tin form.
Pumpkin, all cut up
 3.  Cut the pumkin into small pieces, add a pinch of salt and some olive oil and bake them at 190°C for 30 minutes, stir the pumpkin every 10 minutes.  You can also steam them but I love the taste of roasted pumpkin.
Pumkin, all roasted
4.  Puree the roasted pumpkin, then add all the ingredients for the cheesecake in a bowl and mix them all up till a smooth mixture.  Place them on top of the biscuit base and bake at 160°C for 40-50 minutes till firm.  Leave in oven with door open to cool before removing.  Cool in the fridge overnight.

Spiced pumpkin cheesecake

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ban Chean Kuih (Slow-cooked Pancake)

Ban Chean Kuih
I love ban chean kuih and have tried various recipes from many blogs, until I found this one which brings back great memory of childhood cravings!  I got this recipe from a book, Famous Street Food of Penang, a guide and cookbook.   This recipe makes 18-20 pancakes.

Batter :
40 gm rice flour
90 gm plain flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
80 gm caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
60 ml thick coconut milk
100 ml water

oil for greasing

Filling :
150 gm wok-fried peanuts, finely crushed
150 gm caster sugar
100 gm margarine
1/2 tin cream-style sweetcorn
100 gm freshly grated coconut (optional)

Method :
1.  Sift the flours and bicarbonate of soda together into a mixing bowl.  Add the sugar and salk, then whisk in the coconut milk and water to form a smooth batter.  Cover with a damp tea towel and rest the batter for at least 30 minutes or overnight in the refrigerator.
2.  Lightly grease and heat the mould/pan over low flame.  When the mould/pan is warm, ladle enough batter onto it to form a thin layer.  Cook, covered, for 10 seconds.  Sprinkle 1-2 tsp of sugar on the pancake.  Top with 2-3 tbsp of crushed peanuts and cook, covered, for another 10 seconds or until browned and crisp at the edges.
3.  Top with a generous dallop of margarine, a heaped tablespoon of creamed corn and the grated coconut, if using.  Remove pancake and fold into half.
4.  Repeat, to use up the batter.  Serve pancakes when they are still warm and crispy.  In France, unable to find the peanut like in Malaysia, so lazy cook just uses ready grilled peanuts and crushed them.  Lazy cook does not use the creamed corn too as unable to find in France.  With the peanut and sugar and butter, it is simply delicious!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blanquette de Dinde (French Turkey Ragout)

Blanquette de Dinde served with macaroni
French Turkey Ragout is a style of cooking in which neither the turkey nor the butter is browned in the cooking process. To refrain from browning meat and fat in this way, is to cook them en blanquette.

800 gm Turkey
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, julienne
1/2 cup white wine
1 tbsp flour
1 tablet chicken stock
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
1 branch thyme or 1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 cup button mushroom, sliced
1/2 cup creme fraiche or double cream

1.  Add the butter and olive oil in a pot. Add the onion, once the onion is transparent add the white wine, let the white wine reduce to half, then add the flour.
2.  When the mixture is smooth, add a cup of water then add the chicken stock, carrots, parsley and thyme. Bring to slow boil then add the turkey.  Cook over slow fire for at least 40 minutes.
3.  Add the mushroom and creme fraiche or double cream.  Serve immediately.

Seafood Bouche a la Reine

Seafood Bouche a la Reine served with Salad
 A simple starter, easy to put together and tastes so yummy.

Ingredients :
6 Bouche a la Reine

2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 cup cream
1/2 cup white wine
100 gm seafood (Lazy cook uses frozen pre-cook mix seafood)
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped shallots
2 cloves chopped garlic
Salt and pepper
emmental cheese

1.  In a pot, melt the butter, then whisk in the flour.  Once a roux is formed, whisk in the cream, then add the white wine.
2.  When the mixture is smooth add the frozen seafood, parsley, shallots and garlic.  Stir till the frozen seafood warms through.  Then season to taste and remove from fire.

Seafood filing for the Bouche a la Reine
3.  I buy the Bouche a la Reine because it is tedious to make.

Bouche a la Reine before filing
4.  I cut the top out and put aside.  Add the seafood filing into the Bouche a la Reine, topped with grated emmental cheese.
5.  Placed the Bouche a la Reine in the oven at 190°C for 5 minutes.  Remove and place the hat on and serve immediately.

Flan Patissier (French Flan)

My first time to France, I was introduced to this dessert and fell in love with it.  This happen to be hubby's favorite dessert.  I looked through and tried many recipes till I found this recipe in a French Website, Journal de Femme.

Pate Brisee
3 eggs
100 gm corn flour
3 tbsp vanilla extract

1 liter milk
160 gm sugar
2 packet vanilla sugar

1.  Roll out the pate brisee (short crust pastry) onto a baking pan about 9". Place them in the fridge and prepare the flan.
2.  Beat the eggs, corn flour and vanilla extract in a bowl.  (Lazy Cook does not use vanilla extract, I use vanilla beans instead).  If the mixture is too thick add a little bit of the 1 liter milk.
3.  Bring to slow boil the balance of the milk and sugar. Since I do not use the vanilla sugar, I add half the beans from the vanilla beans.
4.  Remove the milk mixture from fire and add them into the egg mixture.  Mix well and return the mix into the pot and stir over slow fire till thickens.
5.  Pour the mixture onto the pate brisee.
6.  Since I do not pre-cook my pate brisee, I bake the flan at 200°C for 10 minutes then lower it to 180°C and continue to bake for 30 minutes.

Ready for the oven

7.  Remove from oven and cool.  I love my flan cold so I put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brownie Cheesecake

Brownie Cheesecake

Chocolate Brownie
120 gm chocolate
100 gm butter
100 gm brown sugar
2 eggs
40 gm all purpose flour
200 gm St Moret cheese/Philadelphia cream cheese
1 egg
50 gm sugar
1 tbsp flour

1.  Preheat the oven to 150°C.
2.  Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave.  Add the brown sugar, then the egg, one at a time. Once combined, add the flour to obtain a smooth batter.
3.  Mix the cream cheese with the egg, then add the sugar.  Once combined, add the flour to obtain a smooth batter.
4.  In a buttered pan, add 3/4 chocolate brownie batter, then the cheese batter.  Finish with the balance of the brownie batter.
5.  Bake for 30 minutes.
6.  Remove from the oven and let it cool.  Once cool refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.

Brownie Cheesecake 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Char Kway Kak (Fried Radish Cake)

Char Kway Kak
Rice Cake (yields about 800 gm rice cake)
Ingredients :
300 gm rice flour
75 gm tapioca flour
1 litre water
1 tsp salt

Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl to form a smooth batter.  Strain into a wok or saucepan and cook over low to medium heat, stirring until thickened.
Pour into a greased tray to a height of 4 cm.  Steam over rapidly boiling water for 20 minutes  Remove from heat and set aside to cool at room temperature for 6 hours or until cake has set firmly.

Rice cake, cut ready for the wok

Ingredients for Char Kway Kak:
400 gm rice cake cut into 2 cm cubes
1 large clove garlic, chopped
3 tsp chopped preserved radish (chai poh)
2 1/2 tsp chilli paste or to taste
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1/4 tsp chicken stock granules (optional)
2 large eggs
150 gm beansprouts
50 gm Chinese chives
1/2 tsp ground white pepper

Heat a tablespoon of oil and pan-fry rice cake over high heat until lightly browned (about 1 minute).  Set aside.
In the same wok; heat a little more oil to fry the garlic and preserved radish until fragrant.  Add the chilli paste and saute for 20 seconds, stirring continuously until chilli is aromatic.
Add the radish cake and the combined seasonings of light and dark soy sauce and chicken stock granules. Stir to coat well.
Push the cake to one side and crack in the eggs.  Stir to scramble the eggs.  Add the beansprouts and chives, season with pepper and stir everything together for a few seconds before dishing out.  Serve hot.

Lazy cook does not have the chai poh and Chinese chives, so she does not add those in. Lazy cook also do not like chicken stock so did not add it in too.   Woala.... dinner is served!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Seri Muka

Seri Muka

This is one of my favorite nyonya kueh.  I got this recipe from Nyonya Flavours Cookbook.

White Base Layer
250 gm glutinous rice, soaked overnight
250 ml coconut milk
3/4 tsp salt
2 pandan leaves

Green Top Layer
12 big pandan leaves, sliced finely
100 ml water
1 tsp alkaline water

200 gm sugar
100 ml water

6 grade A eggs
30 gm custard powder (Lazy cook uses 30 gm corn flour and 1 tsp vanilla essence instead)
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tsp tapioca flour
300 ml thick coconut milk

Method :
Drain the glutionous rice and put it into a 20 cm (8") square tray.  Mix the thin coconut milk with the salt and add to the rice.  Place 2 pandan leaves on top. ( The coconut milk is extracted from 1 grated coconut by adding sufficient water.)  Lazy cook used 400ml can coconut milk, keep 300 ml for the top layer and add 150 ml to 100 ml coconut milk and add salt.  Lazy cook do not use pandan leaves as cannot find in my French kampong!
Steam the rice layer for 20 minutes.  While steaming the bottom layer, prepare the top layer.
Place the pandan leaves and water in an electric blender and pulse for a few seconds.  Squeeze the pandan pulp through a strainer into a bowl to collect the juice.Stir the alkaline water into the juice.  Set aside.  As cannot find pandan leaves in France, Lazy cook uses pandan emulco that I brought back from Malaysia. The first time Lazy cook made this without pandan emulco only add colouring.  If don't have alkaline water, just leave it out only thing is don't have the springy top.
Bring the sugar and water to a boil in a pot.  Stir to dissolve the sugar.  Remove from heat and cool.  Since Lazy cook don't squeeze the pandan juice the 100 ml water from the pandan juice is added here.
Break the eggs into a mixing bowl and beat lightly with a whisk.  Stir in the sugar syrup.  Mix the corn flour (about 2 tbsp) and 1 tsp vanilla essence, flour, tapioca flour and thick coconut milk, and add to the egg mix.  Since lazy cook uses pandan emulco, I add this into the mix instead of the pandan juice, add the alkaline water and green colouring if needed, stir to blend and strain to get rid of any lumps.  Pour the mixture into a pot and cook over low heat, whisking continuously.  When the mixture thickens remove from heat.
Remove the steam layer from oven and pour the green mixture on top of the rice layer.  Steam for another 20 minutes
Cool the kueh for at least 2 hours before serving.

Seri Muka