Friday, January 14, 2011

Terrine de Foie Gras (Duck Liver Terrine)

Duck Liver served with salad, smoked duck breast and raisins in champagne vinaigrette, yummy!!!
Foie Gras, in English is Goose Liver.  I am doing Duck Liver Terrine, it is fairly simple, I am doing 2 Duck Liver, one weighing about 600 gms, that is a big liver and poor duck have to carry so much weight so we can enjoy this delicacy.

Raw Duck Liver

Leave in room temperature for about an hour, then remove the veins.

Veins from the Duck Liver
Marinate the duck liver with salt, sugar, pepper and I marinate with port/brandy mix.  The alcohol mix should be 100 ml for every 100 gm.  My mix is 1000 ml port and 300 ml brandy as my duck liver weighs about 1.3 kg.  You can use Sauternes (sweet Bordeaux white wine) instead.

Duck Liver marinated
Put a cling film and leave in the fridge overnight.  The following day, place the duck liver in a terrine, compress as much as possible.  I don't have a cover for my terrine dish, so I cover with a aluminium foil.  Place them on a bain-marie, and in the oven at 150°C for 45 minutes.
Duck Liver in Terrine Dish
In Bain Marie ready for oven

Duck Liver after cooking in oven
Remove the oil and place them in a ramekin, I use another terrine dish and place some weight on the terrine to compress the terrine.  My weight is the oil I remove from the terrine.

Duck Liver Terrine with weights
Leave it for a few hours, them remove, and I add the oil back to the terrine and place them in the fridge for at least 2 days before removing from the terrine and serve.

Duck Liver terrine ready to serve

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