Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Riz au Lait

Riz au lait in serving dish

Riz au Lait in english is rice got milk.  My first trip to France, my hubby's aunt asked me what I would like to eat so she can cook for me.  So I said rice and to my surprise this is what I got!  It took me a while to like this dessert but now I go crazy over it and buying them off the shelves are expensive compared to cooking them yourself.
Ingredients :
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 cup riz rond (round rice - risotto rice)
5 cups full cream milk
4 cups double cream
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp vanilla essence

In a pot, over medium heat, place the butter then the rice.  I did not wash the rice, works out okay. Stir for about 3 minutes, then add the milk and cream.  The proportion of milk and cream is to your liking, I like mine onctuous, creamy and sinful, normally just add milk.  Then add the sugar and vanilla essence.  If you like it sweeter, add more sugar, the recipe I got uses vanilla beans, too much work for me so I use vanilla essence.  Stir continuously for about 35 minutes, it would come out creamy.  Remove from stove and place them in ramekins, I place mine in ice cream cups, makes 6 servings.  Serve Warm, I like mine cold so I chill for at least 4 hours before serving. Since I love Creme Anglaise so much, I added them to my riz au lait before serving.

How it looks like after finish cooking

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